Schema::TypeContainer Member List
This is the complete list of members for
Schema::TypeContainer, including all inherited members.
bValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
cValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
dbValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
fValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
getAttributeContainer(std::string attName, bool create=false) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
getBaseTypeContainer(bool create=false) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
getChildContainer(std::string elemName, bool create=false) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
getChildContainer(ContentModel *cm, bool create=false) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
getContentModel() const | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
getTypeId() const | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
getValue() | Schema::TypeContainer | |
getValue(const std::string &name, Schema::Type &type) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
isValueValid() const | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
iValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
lValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
operator<<(std::ostream &os, TypeContainer &tc) | Schema::TypeContainer | [friend] |
print(std::ostream &os) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
printTypeNames_ | Schema::TypeContainer | [static] |
qnValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
rewind() | Schema::TypeContainer | |
schemaParser() const | Schema::TypeContainer | |
SchemaValidator class | Schema::TypeContainer | [friend] |
setValAsString(const std::string &v) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(const std::string &sValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(int iValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(char cValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(long lValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(unsigned long ulValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(float fValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(double dbValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(bool bValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
setValue(Qname &qnValue, bool valid=true) | Schema::TypeContainer | [inline] |
shValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
sValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
TypeContainer(int typeId, const SchemaParser *sp) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
TypeContainer(ContentModel *cm, const SchemaParser *sp, int typeId) | Schema::TypeContainer | |
uiValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
ulValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
usValue | Schema::TypeContainer | |
~TypeContainer() | Schema::TypeContainer | |